Owl Class (Resourced Provision) 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the class page for Owl Class.
Here you will find all of the exciting and wonderful things that your child will be learning during their time in our class. If you have any questions, please use Class Dojo or speak to a member of our team at drop off/ pick up.
Thank you
This half term our class texts are The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle and The Promise by Nicola Davies
We will be consolidating lots of previously taught skills and learning lots more new writing skills.
Your child will have a Reading Record and reading book at an appropriate level that they will take home and bring into school each day.
Please read with you child and record this in your child's Reading Record.
If your child no longer takes part in our Read Write Inc Phonics scheme, they will tale part in our Shared Reading Sessions.
Our texts in the Spring Term will be Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman and Rebel Girls by Elena Favilli.
If your child is on the Read Write Inc scheme, they will receive daily phonics sessions and read an appropriately levelled Read Write Inc book. Your child will be able to access Read Write Inc books on the Oxford Owl website online. You can log in here: Oxford Owl.
Your children's login details have been sent home. Each time your child reads at home, please record this in their Reading Record. Your child should bring their Reading Record to school with them each day.
Read with your child every day even if it is just 2 minutes- this can make all the difference.
Record in their reading diaries to ensure that your child is receiving their stamp for their book from the vending machine, or reading buddy.
You could ask your child about what they think might happen next in the story, how do they think the character is feeling, who is the author and what do they do.
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This term we will be focusing on numbers 1, 2, 3 and counting (Nest Classroom) and place value (Flight Classroom).
Please see the maths expectations for the Year group your child is working within below - these are attached as PDF files.
These show the specific objectives your children will be working on.
Every Friday we will continue to test your times table knowledge so keep practising on TT Rockstars. It is great fun!
About Owl Class
Owl Class is a warm, caring and nurturing environment. The staff in Owls are committed to securing the best possible academic outcomes for our children whilst supporting and promoting positive mental health. Our mornings are primarily focussed on reading, writing and maths, whilst offering opportunities for emotional regulation and positive social interactions. Our afternoons offer a broad and balanced curriculum alongside activities designed to boost the children's social skills and emotional well-being. This includes cooking, gardening and ELSA sessions.
Owl Class has two classrooms - Nest and Flight. Our morning work, maths and English are taught separately in each classroom. Read Write Inc Phonics is taught to children in Nest Classroom and Shared Reading sessions are held in Flight Classroom. In the afternoons, the children access both classrooms
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Owls Team. Updates, messages and information will be communicated via the Class Dojo app. If you are having any difficulties accessing the app, please speak to Mr Kindon or Mrs Chappell.
In the first Spring Half Term, our Science topic will be Animals Including Humans.
In the second Spring Half Term, our Science topic will be Living Things and Their Habitats
This term, we will be focussing on developing our netball skills.
This term, our topic will be Why do our Oceans Matter?
Flight Classroom
PE is every Tuesday and Thursday. Children will wear their Darnhall PE kits to school.
Forest Schools is every Wednesday. Children will wear their Darnhall Forest Schools kits to school.
Nest Classroom
Children will wear their Darnhall Forest Schools kits to school every day - a lot of our learning will take place outside.
Mondays- Each Monday, your child will be given their spellings to learn over the course of the week. They will complete a spelling test each Friday.
They will have opportunities to learn their spellings each morning in class, however, extra practice at home is essential.
Thursdays- Each Thursday, your child will be given either Maths or English homework (alternating weeks). Homework is expected to be in the following Tuesday via the portfolio section of our class Dojo page. Children who have completed their homework on time will be given a Dojo point.
Every day- Your child should read as often as possible when not in school and this should be logged in your child's reading diary.
Please note: I will often upload additional activities and links for your child to support their learning at home, however this is not specific homework, this is just a little extra for them. For example, I may upload interactive links to games that I know they will like.
Other useful links:
Please see below links to useful websites for your child to use when they are at home. I will be adding to the list throughout the course of the year so please make sure you check for updated links.
Oxford Owl - Linked to our phonics Read, Write Inc programme https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/free-ebooks/
Story Nory - A range of stories by classic authors as well as poems musicals and fairytales. https://www.storynory.com/archives/classic-authors
Story Berries- Read along with audio clips. https://www.storyberries.com
Monkey Pen- Free downloadable children’s books in PDF format. https://monkeypen.com/pages/free-childrens-books
Free Children’s Stories- https://www.freechildrenstories.com
Keeping Safe Online- www.esafety.gov.au/kids
Topmarks- A great way for children to practise many of their maths skills https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?Subject=16&AgeGroup=3
Newsround is a very good outlet for your child to watch each day to gain a wider understanding of what is happening not only in our country, but the rest of the world. We will be watching newsround every afternoon in class.
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