Centipede Class (Year 1) 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the class page for Centipede Class.
Here you will find all of the exciting and wonderful things that your child will be learning during their time in Year 1. If you have any questions, please use Class Dojo or speak to a member of our team at drop off/ pick up.
Thank you
Autumn Half Term 2
This half-term our class will be looking at the book 'Rapunzel' by Bethan Woollvin.
Our writing focuses are:
Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop
Join words and clauses using and
Adding 'es' or 's' to plural nouns
The children will be working on using story language, character and setting description and will be sequence simple sentences to form short narratives.
Weekly spellings can be found on class dojo
These will be put on class dojo on a Monday and will be tested the following Friday.
This half term in maths we are going to be working on:
shape and place value within 20
Shape small steps
recognise and name 3-D shapes, sort 3-D shapes, recognise and name 2-D shapes, sort 2-D shapes, patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes
Place Value withinin 20 small steps
count within 20, understand 10, understand 11, 12 and 13, understand 14, 15 and 16, understand 17, 18 and 19, understand 20, 1 more and 1 less, the number line to 20, compare numbers to 20, order numbers to 20,
Everyday 8.50 - 9.30 am we will have our phonics lesson. Each child will bring home a shiny book and paper book which are matched to the sounds they are learning in their phonics group. Your child will have read the paper copy already in school and will be able to share this with you independently. The shiny book will be new to them and they may require some adult support with this as they decode the words.
Reading Expectations
Read with your child every day even if it is just 2 minutes- this can make all the difference.
Please record all home reading in your child’s reading diary so we can ensure that your child is receiving their vending machine book or reading buddy. Frequent reader prizes will be awarded on a Thursday.
When reading, ask your child about what they think might happen next in the story, how they think the character is feeling, who the author is and what do they do.
It does not have to be their paper or shiny book they read, it can be any. Remember, you too can read to them - change your voice for expression, bring the characters to life.
Shiny book bag books MUST be returned to school every day ready to be changed every Monday.
Paper books ( they are the same as what they are reading within their phonics lesson to promote confidence) should be coming into school every day so that they are ready to be changed every 3rd read within their phonics lesson.
Reading diaries MUST come in every day regardless of whether or not they have been written in - we cannot replace them if they are continuously being lost or not taken care of.
This half-term we will be learning all about materials
Children will be able to:
Name objects and identify the materials they are made from, recognise that objects are made from materials that suit thier purpose, recall that a prperty is how a material can be described.
When working scientifically children will be able to:
Suggest ways to test materials for their properties, make predictions and recognise whether they were accurate, use their observations to answer questions, recognise if a test is fair.
We will be having lots of fun learning through practical experiments and learning all about the famous scientist Charles Macintosh
This half-term will be studying History and our topic is 'How am I making History?'
Learning Ojectives:
To know some similarities and differences between the past and their own lives. to know that a timeline shows the order events in the past happened. To know that we start by looking at 'now' on a timeline then look back. To know that 'the past' is events that have already happened. To know that 'the present' is time happening now. To that within living memory is 100 years. To know that poeple change as they grow older. To know that throughout someone's lifetime, some things will change and some will stay the same. To know that there are similarities and differences between their lives today and their lives in the past. To know that people celebrate special events in different ways. To know that some people a d eve ts are considered more 'special' or significant than others. To know that photographs can tell us about the past. To know that we can find out about the past by asking people who were there. To know that we remember some (but not all) of the events that we have lived through. To know that the past can be represented in photographs.
Your child will have a music lesson each week, where they will learn to play instruments and explore their musical abilities. This half term our Year 1 topic is 'Seasons' and exploring the weather.
In PE this term, the children will be practising their dance skills with a focus on heroes. They will also be rehearsing their ball skills by throwing and catching skills.
Your child will have 2 PE lessons each week. Please ensure they come into school in their PE kit on these days. Centipede Class will have PE lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday this half term.
Centipede Class will also take part in weekly Forest School sessions (MONDAYS). Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for the session.
Our homework menu can be found on the class dojo. Please upload any activities your child has completed – they can of course bring these into school too
Useful links
Class dojo
Rules of spellings
"ee" sound in a "y" sound e.g. smelly, cheeky, belly, sneaky.
turning the "y" into an "i" for pural use e.g. babys - babies, cherrys- cherries, berrys- berries.
Sentences and Writing Expectations
Is your child consistently using captial letters for the start of their sentence, names of places and people?
Is your child consistently using the correct punctuation to finish a sentence? E.g. The black dragon flew across the dark sky. What would you like for your birthday? Charlie was so exicted!
Is your child using a range of adjectives to describe? E.g The red, hot fire crackled.
Is your child using the word 'and' to join two clauses together? E.g. A huge and grumpy orge.
Is your child using the suffix -ed, -ing, -est, -er?
Home resource - Youtube
Simply type in "tricky words set 2 / 3 to support your child's learning of red words they find within their RWI books.
Question starters - why, who, when, where, how, do...great home resource simply type in "Question Starters" look for the red background.
Jack Hartman - Multiply by 2,3,5,10 (youtube)
Oxford Owl - phonics
Learning walks - asking your child what a tree or the clouds look like, how many birds they can see, counting how many cars they saw.
General Reminders:
Please ensure that your child's belongings are clearly labelled – uniform, water bottles etc.
Water bottles should contain water only.
Most communication will be done via Class Dojo. This is a great way to upload and home learning and WOW moments. You can also use this to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Files to Download
Centipede Class (Year 1): Gallery items
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Centipede Class (Year 1): Calendar items
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