Butterfly & Dragonfly Class (Reception) 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Butterfly and Dragonfly Class 

Butterfly Teacher: Miss Harrison

Dragonfly Teacher: Mrs Fife

Teaching Assistant : Mrs Bowker

Teaching Assistant: Miss Kendrick (morning)



Here you will find useful information about our learning and the things we are getting up to in Reception.

Spring 1

Happy New Year 2025!

This half term our areas of focus will be settling into Reception and our topic is 'Superheroes'.

As always in Reception our aim is to follow children's interest so learning, topics and activities can change all the time!


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We follow Literacy Counts, where we enjoy lots of new books and base our reading and writing around each text. We believe becoming a skilled, attentive reader starts at the earliest stages. This term we will be enjoying the story ' Juniper Jupiter ' by Lizzy Stewart
Our learning outcome is to write a superhero sentence. 

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Our maths focus this half term will be "Alive in 5" . We will be concentrating on (based on White Rose Maths)

Introducing Zero
Find 0-5 
Subitise 0-5 
Represent 0-5 
1 more
1 less
Conceptual subitising to 5

What can you do at home to support your child's learning?
Everyday maths
Encourage your child to count the stairs when going to bed.
Count items going into a shopping trolley ask them how many apples do we have? If we need 4 but only have 3 how many more do we need?
Counting flowers on a walk.
Finding numbers in the enviorment remote controls for your TV. 

Maths scrapbooks
They are sent home every Thursday (if returned) with a new family challenge related to what your child has been learning in school. We had a brilliant interest last term let's keep that going! 



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At Darnhall we follow the RWI Programme 

How and what do the children learn?

The children:

  •  learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using simple picture prompts
  •  learn to read words using sound blending
  •  read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out
  •  after meaningful discussion led by an adult children show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions


The children:

  •  learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent the 44 sounds
  •  learn to write words by saying the sounds and graphemes
  •  learn to build sentences orally using adventurous vobabulary
  •  start with simple sentences and develop towards more complex ones by the end of the programme
  •  compose a range of texts using discussion prompts


Children are assessed so they work with children at the same level. This allows them to take a full part in all lessons.

They work in pairs so that they:

  •  answer every question
  •  practise every activity with their partner
  •  take turns in talking to each other



Key words

New key words will be given to the children on Monday ready to be assessed on Friday
It is essential your child is able to recognise and read the word.
Key words are also known as common expection words, sight words or red words. This simply means the word cannot be segmented or blended using Fred Talk. 
We find using resources such as Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To - YouTube really support your child's learning and understanding. It supports their fluency within their reading and writing. 

key words.png


Reception will be tested on their key words every Friday. If they know ALL key words then they will receive the next set. Please ensure that you continue to practise all key words. 


Reading at Home 

Please listen to your child read their reading book as much as possible alongside other story books. Remember to log these in their reading diary.  

For every 3 recorded reads, your child will receive a stamp on their reading worm. Once all 12 stamps have been placed on the 'Reading Worm' they will be able to get a free book from our amazing Book Vending Machines.
1 completed reading worm = 1 frequent reader book
2 completed reading worms = 1 frequent reader book AND a reading buddy.
3 completed reading worms = 1 frequent reader book4 completed reading worms = 1 frequent reader book AND a reading buddy.
5 completed reading worms = 1 frequent reader book
Frequent Reader Book Worm.jpg

Please bring reading book into school everyday in your childs book bag.

Please encourage your child to look after their reading book as they are costly to replace.

Books will be changed every Thursday as this provides opportunity to read throughout the week they will only be changed if they have been returned. 
If your child has read the book several times, please do not let that prevent you from reading other books which you may have at home. Log everything, bedtime stories, magazines, shopping lists and every day reading. It all counts. 

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Rhyme of the Week:

Week 1: Little Bo Peep

Week 2:  The Big Ship Sails 

Week 3:  Hickory Dickory Dock 

Week 4:  Jack and Jill

Week 5: Old McDonald

Week 6: The Wheels on the Bus 

Week 7 : Frere Jacques 


Tapestry is Reception's platform of communication with parents and ourlearning journal provider.

Tapestry allows you to view all your children’s observations, photographs and videos. You can like and comment on observations that we add for your child and it’s also possible for you to add your own observations. Your comments and own observations will allow us to find out about which activities your child really enjoyed and the learning they get up to at home. The photos that you add will allow us to celebrate any achievements/wow moments/special days out that happen outside of school, which will help us get to know your child even better!


Please ensure your child wears the correct school uniform at all times.

Only small studded earrings are allowed.

Forest School

Butterfly Class - 25.2.25 
Dragonfly Class - 27.2.25 


If you have any questions or issues regarding events at school, you can always come and see us in the morning or after school.

We are looking forward to an exciting term in Reception. 


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Sandyhill Road,
CW7 1JL,
and Darnhall School Lane CW7 1JR
Mrs Sarah Tomlinson, Headteacher
Mr Davie Kindon, SEN Contact