Caterpillar Class (Nursery) 2023 - 2024

Teacher: Mrs Perrin

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bowker, Miss Donaldson

Please remember nursery sessions are 8:30-11:30 for AM and 12:15-3:15 for PM.

Uniform April.jpg

Here you will find useful information about our learning and the things we are getting up to in nursery. 

Autumn 2

This half term in Caterpillar nursery our areas of focus will be 'Spring' and 'The Zoo'. The children will take part in lots of hands on and creative activities around this topic. There will be a huge focus on getting to know your children as individuals so we can best plan to follow children's interest. This means learning, topics and activities can change all the time!


Our mathematics focus this half term will be counting and trecognising numbers 1 -5. The children will do lots of numbers games and sing number songs to support them in this.

Our phonic focus will be stories. To support this we will reading lots of different stories, predicting what might happen next, using the illustrations to tell a story, playing listening games and using interactive games on the board.





Your child will need to bring along a named water bottle and have their names or initials written inside any clothes as we don’t want to lose any! If your child stay all day you will also need to provide a named packed lunch.


**Forest School**

Forest school is on a Friday.  Children are to wear their forest school uniform and must bring a coat and a pair of wellies as the forest can be very muddy!

Thank you :)

The Caterpillar Team x


As lots of you are now aware we use Tapestry as an online learning journey for your children.  On here we will upload WOW moments for your child and keep you up to date with what they have been learning.  There will also be any messages and reminders from staff that you need to be aware of.

We would love if you could upload any WOW moments from home for your child to share with their peers in nursery and keep staff up to date on your child’s interests and development. At the start of each half term we will upload ‘Tapestry Challenges’ for you to have a go with your children at home.  Complete as many challenges from the list as you would like and upload what you get up to on your child’s profile. 

If you have any questions regarding how to access Tapestry please contact school and someone will be able to help you. Alternatively if you are able to access Tapestry and need to speak to the class teacher use the ‘add observation’ facility on your child’s profile and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Click on the logo below to access Tapestry.

Tapestry Logo.jpg

Below are some useful links and activities:

There are lots of games on this website that the children love playing in nursery

Early Years - Topmarks Search

There are lots of learning and activity ideas on this website

Early Impact Learning – Tips and inspiration for parents and teachers of children aged 3-5

Twinkl have made loads of resources free to parents. Just click on the parent’s hub

Twinkl Parents


Sharing stories with your child is so important for improving their communication and language and their literacy skills.

Making your own play dough (1 cup water, ½ cup salt, 1 cup water and a tbl spoon cooking oil to make a dough). Play dough is important in building hand strength and developing fine motor skills needed for later writing.

Go on a 2D shape hunt in your house or out and about. What 2D shapes can your child recognise?

Counting – lots of counting using everything and anything that interests your child.

Play listening and phonics games (I spy… is great for this).

Files to Download

Caterpillar Class (Nursery): Gallery items

Caterpillar Class (Nursery): Calendar items

Sandyhill Road,
CW7 1JL,
and Darnhall School Lane CW7 1JR
Mrs Sarah Tomlinson, Headteacher
Mr Davie Kindon, SEN Contact